Donation Information



In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the
weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said,
‘It is
more blessed to give than to receive.  - Acts 20:35

“He who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him
who commits suicide” - Proverbs 18:9


Partnership - Currently Parakletos Church is working with Saba Health Center (SHC) – as your review / study SHC website – they use natural health care therapies to help people achieve better overall health. A major component for better health is detoxification. Many times it takes several visits & treatments to complete a good detox and then the patient needs to add customized program of Nutraceutical (supplements, homeopathic remedies) with Nutritional Counseling. Together these therapies & services will help achieve lasting health benefits for the patient.

The goal of Dr Karen Chung & her Staff is to not to cut corners but try to have every patient that needs better health have the opportunity to reach their individual results. The challenging situation is some patients can only afford some of the Therapies and/or Nutraceuticals, supplements, & or homeopathic remedies which cuts short the results needed for better overall health. (The estimated range is 25-30% of patient base)

Parakletos Group

Dr Karen Chung ND of Saba HC & 

Charlie Chung President of Parakletos

This is where Parakletos Church comes in. Through donations from caring loving people like yourself, Parakletos Church will give your donations to Saba Health Center to help pay for patients that can’t afford the whole health care package needed for their best health results.

Plus in near future as Saba Health Center grows Dr Karen & her staff desire to help youth & adults that are not able to pay for any of the important therapies needed for better health. Parakletos Church sees SHC vision and has agreed to support Saba Health Center with some of their needy patients every step of the way.

NOTE: Every Donation counts!

Any amount you give is tax deductible – (one time or monthly) is tax deductible. The goal of your giving is to help needy patients obtain the opportunity to achieve better health they need but cannot afford all the health care services. 


Currently we have (3) Ways to give your donation.

1/ PayPal - follow instructions 

2/ Write – check or money order w/ your contact information send to:

Parakletos Church

25101 E- 71st Street South,

Broken Arrow, OK 74014.

Memo Donation for: Saba Health Center

3/ Or call in your Donation 918-748-8600 (Main) 10am - 5pm CST • Mon - Thurs.

We take credit cards & debit cards over the phone

We thank you ahead of time for your generous support to help needy patients achieve natural health care benefits from Saba Health Center. 

May God bless you,

Have a Healthy, Happy & Prosperous 2022.

From the staff at Saba Health Center &

Parakletos Church.

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